Futsal in Nepal gaining popularity

futsal in nepal

Finally, I had reached Boudha. So I approached microbus conductor and paid my fare. I felt bit guilty showing my expired college ID card, which the conductor as expected checked with a serious look but failed to notice. I hurriedly ventured towards the Futsal centre, hoping that I would not turn up late as usual. As I reached the site, I saw my friends were already warming up. They gestured me to get ready, so I headed straight to the changing room. I took out my Manchester United jersey and wore it with pride. Despite the disastrous season they were enduring I swore to stick by them. As I stepped into the field with confidence, I saw my opponents were old school mates. I knew from one of my teammate that it’s the loser who pays match fee. The stakes were high and the game would be a competitive one hour duel. We lost the game by a single goal. It was entertaining though, the game went down to the last minute. After paying bills, I went with my friend and hung out with them.
This had now become my new life. I found solace and peace in this. Every week it was the same. Futsal has become an important part of my life. It was not only me, but Futsal in Nepal has started to become increasingly popular with youths.[quote_box_right]Futsal in Nepal has enjoyed a meteoric rise. With lack of public grounds to play, Futsal arenas have found an effective solution. The revolution is not only limited to the football buffs, but also the corporate people to fitness freaks, and lately even appealing to the females.[/quote_box_right]
This was the case with Futsal. It was only started few years ago in Thamel by the Godavari Alumni Association (GAA). But over the course of four years, Futsal in Nepal has enjoyed a meteoric rise. New Futsal arenas are opening in good numbers to cater the growing demand for Futsal. With lack of public grounds to play, Futsal arenas have found an effective solution. The revolution is not only limited to the football buffs, but also the corporate people to fitness freaks, and lately even appealing to the females.
The rate of such ground is also affordable. It charges not more than 1800 in average during week days and 2000 plus during weekends. If you have a good Futsal team, then you should consider taking part in competitions that are routinely organized.
With great health benefits associated, regular play is very good for health. Also through the game, one can develop team work skills and confidence. All these benefits at an affordable price is a win-win situation to all.
The ANFA should be very happy with the rise of Futsal. It helps to develop better technical ability in football something that our national team lacks. So our clubs and national teams should play it more often.
So get your friends ready and find the nearest Futsal centre and book a match.