Facebook : Boon or Bane ?

facebook boon or bane

With globalization, people nowadays are deeply connected with modern technologies and applications. Because of their easy accessibility it is undeniable that the world has become a small village and human beings can sense like all are nearby. More clearly, they are attached with Web and with the world of internet so that People nowadays are found hanging around in chatting, talking and getting connected with family, friends or relatives by through social networking sites like Facebook (fb) and Twitter. And here, I am going to share my opinion that how people, especially teenagers abuse site like Facebook and ruin their life.

Nowadays almost every person is fb account holder. Particularly, the youngsters are the one who spend their day and night in Facebook. Nowadays, even the students of 5-6th standard do have facebook account without knowing how to use the site properly But kids are not only to blame for abusing Facebook since they are just following elders. But in case of teenagers who are using facebook, even they are seriously unknown about the dark side of using facebook.

Adding and accepting the request from a completely strange person is the major point from where the problem gets starts.

I wonder, do people notice those privacy options available in fb? Most of the people (teenagers) who are addicted to fb share their personal stuffs with public without knowing its impact upon their life.

Similar incident took place with my classmate when I was in college. There was a girl who looked like a silent type – not so talkative in class, she was the most frank girl while chatting in fb. We didn’t have more interaction in class in comparison to fb. She used to chat in fb in such a way that we were friends since childhood. And the strange thing about her was that she used to post her status and picture during the interval of an hour such as What she did , Where was she going, to whom was she going and about her plan – she used to post everything publicly. After some months, we came to know that she was in a relationship with a guy and that was disclosed through fb. And the problem aroused when the guy from our own class proposed her at the same time. She insulted him in front of the class and rejected him. As everything of her life was revealed in fb, the same boy to whom she refused, started to follow her in fb and collect detail about her guy. With the motive of taking revenge with girl, the boy including his few friends attacked her boyfriend. The boy was badly injured after the incident and he was admitted to hospital. The boy from our class who did this all, was expelled from the college. This is just one example.

Well, problems and accident do not come with pre-notice. It is the result of careless done by the people. Moreover, adding and accepting the request from completely strange person is the major point from where the problem gets started. I wonder, do people notice those privacy options available in fb? Most of the people (teenagers) who are addicted to fb share their personal stuffs with public without knowing its impact upon their life. Here, we also can’t neglect the fact that fb has become easier medium to connect with our relatives and dear ones who are far from us. But also keeping thing on mind that fb has become the cause to disturbing the life of people as we keep hearing the news about private pictures being posted publicly, abusing others in comments, showing off the unnecessary activities, which may lead from minor to major incidents.

While using the fb, we should learn about the privacy options available and use it properly.
Facebook is a boon for those who can use it properly but if used without being careful then fb can also be the strong reason to wipe off our life. So it totally depends upon the fb user whether to make Facebook boon or bane.