Time For Change : Are we ready ?

time for change

“If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it.”

This is exactly what is being used by our government. They are in complete delusion current system will help to effectively breed and nurture the next generation. The youths have a daunting task of taking over from the current crop of leaders who have miserably failed in fulfilling their duties. So for that our education system must be effective. But are our youths ready?
It’s time for a change. Looking at the current state it is highly doubtful. Our education system is a failure, there is no denying that. Just take a look at the scores of youth queuing outside the gates of institutes that help students to achieve their dream of going abroad. Last year, 16,499 sought formal no-objection certificates from the Ministry of Education for higher education in 67 countries. In the first five months of this fiscal year, 12,602 students have sought similar clearances . This paints a bad picture for the future of Nepal, which shows their dissatisfaction with the current education system.

Like in the case of our neighbor India, who boast of very good public universities IIT.  The case is sadly opposite in our public universities. For instance, colleges here are plagued by dirty politics and students seem to be rather busy with antics like padlocking colleges, rioting. One can only wonder if the public universities here are trying to develop future citizens or political goons.  If we take a look at the so-called “iron gate” or the SLC, the pass percentage is at about 40%. So, it is pretty obvious to say that very few can be expected from the public sector. Like the state of the country, our political leaders have degraded and brought pollution to the education sector (something that they are quite good at the secondary level. Private sector schools are also notorious for charging high fees and there are questions raised on their quality. Also, it can be noticed, a rising trend of students enrolling in the foreign education system, most notably Indian board and A – Levels. There are other noticeable loopholes in the system.
Like our neighbor India,

Our education system both the public and private sector are notoriously popular for promoting a rat race among students.

Pupils are divided based on their marks and apparently, those with higher grades are assumed smarter. Personally, I feel that there is a lot of racism based on different subjects. Many are discouraged from taking subjects of their choice. Also, the syllabus pattern is outdated and based more on theory. In many cases, students today are taught what their predecessors used to learn and is rarely updated.

Playing the blame game and not taking action is what most of our politicians are good at. Firstly, the government itself should implement better policies like scrapping the overrated SLC exams and bringing in a new modern mechanism. It is because the current mechanism is modeled from India which in turn is modeled from the old British rule. The reluctance from the government to bring a change shows us their insanity. Also, the students enrolled in public universities should be considerably deprived of their indulgence in politics to some extent. Students should be taught in depth about the various political parties together with relevant information on members and their stance on various issues. It is only after gaining and in-depth knowledge that they should be allowed to actively take part in political activities. Also, political parties should be strictly warned to not encourage their youth wings to resort to violence and riots. Such activities only disturb other fellow students.

The current situation of the public education system is in a pathetic and sympathetic state.

Our government should take a serious look at all the public schools because they seem to be lacking way behind their counterparts: private sector schools(SLC results for example). Also there should be a taskforce made, focusing solely on updating the syllabus on a consistent basis. The youths of Nepal should be learning subjects and concepts that are on par with their global counterparts. Such activities are surely affordable. Also if the government doesn’t want to witness the mass exodus of students leaving the country, then the economy should be improved. What is the point of studying if the economy can create jobs? Also technical education should be promoted. The current situation of the public education system is in a pathetic and sympathetic state. Even though it is difficult to improve infrastructure, improvement of the education provided may not be as difficult. The youths are the futures of tomorrow and hence should be given ample opportunities to blossom. The mistakes of the past cannot be repeated. If nothing is done, there cannot be room for optimism.