Facts about Hindu Religion & Culture

hindu culture religion

Note from ilekh.com : This article is posted here not for the purpose of promoting any religion but for information only. We are neutral to all religion. We are open to other articles giving info about any religion/culture.
Whatever religion or culture we follow, that does not and should not define our character and capability. We were born free and should live free. Changing religion just for the sake of some benefits is what should be avoided and nobody likes such a trend. If people of any religion wants to help, they should be able to help the needy ones without compelling them to follow the new religion. All God is same and summary of every religion is to make people satisfied with their life. And satisfaction in life comes through good thoughts & deeds not by changing one religion to another.

The motive of this article is not about superiority or inferiority of Hindu religion over other religion. It is just about putting some light on facts about Hindu religion and culture.
Hinduism is a religion, culture, way of life & one of the rare religion to have a secular concept in it. It is considered to be the oldest religion of all.
The best part of the Hindu religion is that it doesn’t dominate other religion. It considers all religion to be equal and is respectable.

Hindu culture is all about respecting everyone despite any culture and religion they follow.

All is God and God is all. Hindus have never been against any religion, what they have been against is offering various kind of benefits and compelling them to change the religion.

If they believe in one God, they will be Hindu. If they believe in one Goddess they will be Hindu and if they believe in multiple God/Goddess they will be Hindu and even if they are Atheist/Agnostic, they will be Hindu and its one of the rare religion which has no founder. But in many other religion, if they don’t believe in their founder they won’t be of that religion.
Hindu believe all religion leads to divine but much other religion believe their way is the only way to divine which can be obtained only by following their religion. Hindu religion has always been generous. In the past when Jews, Christians, Muslims were persecuted, mocked, threatened were accepted in Hindu society and blended in Hindu culture.

Hindu culture/religion tells us to respect females that’s why we call them Devi[Goddess] (Ladies) and is worshiped in many festivals.
Hindu joins both hands and do “Namaste” which means I bow to the God/Goddess in you – shows no untouchable. It also means these hands are the ones which help to earn my living and I join it to show respect.

Marriage based on understanding and respect is love. Forced arranged marriage is not what Hindu culture asks to do, it’s the pathetic thought of people which can be of any religion.
Our society does not allow sex before marriage and it is not about conservative thought, it’s about maintaining social order.

Sex without Marriage & Marriage without Sex both are pathetic.

Hindu caste system is not birth based as it was a classification of the job according to knowledge, ability and skills. The Hindu caste system was followed by Portuguese, Spanish invaders and called casta.
Valmiki who composed Ramayana was born in a family who we call Dalit/Untouchable/Shudra same with Ambedkar but both are scholars and pundits. Ved Vyas – Author of Mahabharat, his mother was fisherwoman (majhi) whom we called lower cast. But they have been kept in a higher level, not because of the cast but work and contribution.
But with time, it’s the society which led to modification of original concept and misled to touchable and untouchable cast which needs to be corrected and is in the state of being back to normal.

Dowry system started as a positive thing a long time ago. In Hindu culture, it’s called “Pewa” or “Streedhan” which was the property given to daughter with a purpose of help in emergency need. But later on, it got modified. Instead of giving it from the bride’s family according to ability, due to the greediness of groom and family, it got established as a bad culture. Asking for a dowry is a punishable offense according to the law now.

Some historical evidence shows that Sati/Jauhar system started in the ancient time of war, male used to be killed and the winner ones used to capture the females, enslave them and rape them. To escape such fate, the trend of going “Sati” started but with time, it got abolished.

Hindu culture is all about respecting everyone despite any culture and religion they follow. All is God and God is all. Hindus have never been against any religion, what they have been against is offering various kind of benefits and compelling them to change the religion. As everything has two parts – positive and negative, there might be some dark sides in Hindu religion too. Good practices have to be given priority and bad practices need to be changed with time. And those changes are for good.

Respect all religion, Hate none!